Following the inaugural conference held in Prishtina on 22-24 November 2023, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kosova will organize #KosovaPAR2024 from 25-27 September 2024 in Prishtina.

The evolution of KosovaPAR into an annual conference underscores our commitment to convene political leadership, academics, and practitioners from Kosova, the region, Europe, and beyond to deliberate on critical issues and share insights and best practices pertaining to public administration reforms. This annual gathering seeks to elevate awareness regarding the pivotal role of Public Administration Reform (PAR), not only as a prerequisite for EU integration but also in enhancing citizens' lives and state effectiveness.

The primary objective of this recurring event is to foster a culture of innovation within public service and administration, as well as to instil a mindset of continual adaptation to evolving citizen expectations concerning the quality of public services. As a proactive step towards transformative progress, this conference aspires to assess past accomplishments, envision innovative strategies to address current challenges in 2024, and chart the future trajectory of public administration in Kosova and beyond. Central to this endeavour is the question of whether Kosova and other cases are merely striving to align with international standards or actively pioneering innovative approaches towards excellence, which will guide discussions of past reforms, their impact assessment, and the formulation of future reform agendas.

While the Republic of Kosova seeks insights and best practices from global counterparts, the conference will also serve as a platform for showcasing solutions implemented by Kosova to advance key reforms in public administration, emphasizing the significance of ownership and political legitimacy in navigating necessary albeit arduous reforms.

Thus, positioned as a pivotal forum for exploring and advancing the trajectory of public administration reform in the country, and themed "Catching Up or Forging Ahead," the KosovaPAR2024 conference holds the promise of valuable insights and inspiring perspectives for practical solutions of public sphere issues.

We invite institutions, academics, and practitioners from across the globe to submit panel proposals on the following topics (non-exhaustive list):

  • Culture in Public Administration (administrative culture, artistic perspectives)
  • Optimizing Human Resources in the Public Sector
  • Harnessing Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence for the Common Good
  • Enacting Legislative Reforms for Effective Governance
  • Fostering Inter/Intra Institutional Cooperation and Public-Private Partnerships to Drive Innovation
  • Evaluating the Role of Donors and International Organisations in Facilitating Reforms.

Your contributions will play a vital role in shaping the discourse and outcomes of #KosovaPAR2024.


03 Months
12 Days
01 Hours
02 Minutes
27 Seconds

Save the date!


The Ministry of Internal Affairs, responsible for public administration, aims to advance, reform and modernize the entire state administrative apparatus to serve all citizens, businesses and institutions of the Republic of Kosova with efficiency, transparency, professionalism and impartiality.

The vision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is the commitment to a modern public administration, which serves the public interest, meets the needs of citizens and businesses and successfully completes the EU membership process, supporting democracy and the rule of law. To achieve this vision, reforms and improvements are being conducted to ensure further democratization, economic development and the successful participation of the Republic of Kosova in international organizations, including in particular support for EU membership and the development of administrative capacities for performed successfully within the EU. For these purposes, the horizontal management systems in the public administration require changes and improvements, while the overall performance of the public administration must increase significantly.

In terms of improving the provision of services, increasing the effectiveness of public service, promoting transparency and accountability, as well as improving policies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has subordinate executive bodies whose objective is to fulfill these goals. In this way, the Kosova Institute for Public Administration (KIPA) is a government institution established for the training of civil servants and increasing the sustainability of the civil service in Kosova in order to develop and raise the quality of public services offered by the public administration in the country. Providing training programs adapted to the strategic and legal frameworks. The training program at KIPA is based on the Civil Servant Training Strategy and the legislation in force.


Submission Process:

Participants must register and contain the following:

Input symbols

No registration fees are required

Note that transportation and accommodation fee are not included, but lunch breaks and coffee breaks will be covered by the organizer

Useful information

Short guide of Kosova

Information About Kosova

General practical information about airport, conference, venue, health, emergency, currency and eletrical information.

Practical Information

List of recommended hotels for accommodation


Parking will be available at the venue.


University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina"
Address: Rr. "George Bush", Nr.31, 10000 Prishtine