KOSOVAPAR 2024 Speakers

Albin Kurti

Albin Kurti

Albin Kurti is the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosova and the the President of the biggest political party in the country, Lëvizja VETËVENDOSJE! (LVV). PM Kurti has graduated in Computer Science and Telecommunications from the University of Prishtina, has published over 550 articles, and has been invited to present at different renowned universities inside and outside the country.

Xhelal Svecla

Xhelal Sveçla

Xhelal Sveçla is Minister of Internal Affairs of Republic of Kosova. He graduated from the University of Tirana's Department of Dentistry, having started his studies in Prishtina during the 1990’s. He became politically active as an organizer of student protests against the Serbian regime and joined the Kosovo Liberation Army in 1998. In the professional sphere, he worked with various organizations, including International Medical Corps Tirana and "SOS Kinderdorf International," focusing on children in need. In 2013, he became Director of the Inspection Directorate in Prishtina, where he prioritized enforcing the rule of law and improving staff training. Xhelal Sveçla was appointed Deputy Minister in 2020, later becoming Minister of Internal Affairs in 2021 under Kurti's government.

Bardhyl Dobra

Bardhyl Dobra

Bardhyl Dobra Deputy-Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kosova, responsible for administrative reform and digitalization. Before assuming the position of Deputy Minister, he served as Secretary-General of the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA) headquartered in Brussels, Belgium. His academic background includes a bachelor's and master's degree in Applied Economics, and a master’s degree in political science from universities in France, United States and United Kingdom. The topic of his Ph.D. at Ghent University, Belgium, is “Public Administration in Post-Conflict States: the Case of Kosova”.

Andrew Massey

Keynote speaker - Andrew Massey

Professor Andrew Massey is the founding Director of the International School for Government, at King's College London. He moved to King's College London in 2020 after more than a decade serving as Head of Politics and International Relations and Associate Dean at the University of Exeter. He has worked in a range of areas including British, European, and US policy and politics. His main areas of research include comparative public policy, public administration and the modernization of government and governance. He has published more than a hundred books, papers, chapters and reports. He has been heavily involved with the European Group for Public Administration and the International Institute for Administrative Sciences since 2000, serving in a variety of roles.

Andrew has worked on secondment and as an advisor to a range of UK and European government bodies. He was Editor in Chief of the journal International Review of Administrative Sciences, and Editor of Public Money and Management for over a decade. He is currently working with the Policy Profession of the UK civil service to develop and deliver a range of credit bearing courses, as well as delivering bespoke executive education to a range of national and international institutions.

Luis Solari

Luis Solari

Prof. Luis Solari is Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Peru, Former Minister of Health and Congressman. He is Professor Emeritus of the Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae and a well-known doctor and Medical Surgeon in Peru. He is also member of several institutions and academics, including the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco

Caspar van den Berg

Caspar van den Berg

Caspar van den Berg studied International Relations at the London School of Economics and has a PhD from Leiden University. He is a Professor of Public Administration, at the University of Groningen, President of the Universities of the Netherlands, and Member of the Senate in the Netherlands.

Eko Prasojo

Eko Prasojo

Prof. Dr. Eko Prasojo is a Professor of Public Administration at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia. He’s currently the Executive Secretary of National Committee for Administrative Reform, at the office of Vice President the Republic of Indonesia, and President of the Asian Group for Public Administration (AGPA).

Amongst other official positions in Government, Prof. Prasojo was Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Administrative Reform of the Republic of Indonesia. His research focuses on Governance, Federalism and Decentralization, Democratization and Local Democracy, Political Economic in Bureaucracy, Administrative Reform, Public Policy, and Public Service Studies.

Arben Hajrullahu

Arben Hajrullahu

Arben Hajrullahu is the Rector of the University of Prishtina and Professor of Political Science at the University of Prishtina, Kosova. Fulbright Fellow at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Visiting scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington DC. Scientific member of the Austrian Institute for International Affairs. Former Senior researcher at the European Academy of Bolzano.

Betânia Lemos

Betânia Lemos

Betânia is a PhD, Master and undergraduate in Economics from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil). She is a civil servant in the federal finance auditor career who has more than fifteen years of experience in the area of economic evaluation of social projects and public policies. Betânia is also a specialist on new technologies for education. She is currently the President of the National School of Public Administration in Brazil.

Wolfgang Drechsler

Wolfgang Drechsler

Wolfgang Drechsler is Professor of Governance at TalTech’s Ragnar Nurkse Department, Honorary Professor of University College London in the Institute of Innovation and Public Purpose, Adjunct Professor of Universitas Indonesia at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, and Associate at Harvard University’s Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies.

Alketa Peci

Alketa Peci

Alketa Peci is a Professor of public administration and government and Vice-dean for academic affairs at EBAPE/FGV. Editor-in-Chief of Brazilian Journal of Public Administration and co-editor of Regulation & Governance. Member of The United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration, established by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). CPNq and Faperj Granted Researcher.

Michiel S. de Vries

Michiel S. de Vries

Michiel S. de Vries is a full professor in Public Administration at the Department of Public Administration at Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. He is a distinguished professor at Kaunas Technological University, Lithuania, and an honorary professor at the Free State University in Bloemfontein, South Africa. He has a Masters in Sociology, Groningen University, a PhD in Law, Utrecht University, and received a doctor honoris causa in public economics from the Masaryk University in Brno (2016). Former president of IASIA (the International Association of Schools in Administration) as a teacher, and as a consultant for the UN.

Anneli Temmes

Anneli Temmes

Prof. Anneli Temmes is Licentiate in Administrative Sciences, Former Director General of HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Administration, Former Director of Training and Director of HAUS International and Member of the Advisory Board for the creation of Kosova National School of Administration.

Alketa Peci

Alban Krasniqi

Alban Krasniqi is an attorney and co-founder of Lexdoks.com. He is on the mission to promote a discussion on the interplay between law and technology.He and his team are proud innovators of Lexdoks – an Artificial Intelligence Search Engine that revolutionises legal research and drafting, reflecting his dedication to improving legal communication. Krasniqi has also served as USAID funded Consultant for Kosovo - Serbia dialogue at the Kosova’s Prime Minister’s Office. He was an expert for Monitoring Law Implementation at the European Union/Kosovo Justice Sector Program (EUKOJUST).

Alketa Peci

Adelina Zeqiri

Adelina Zeqiri is currently a PhD candidate at the University Côte d’Azur in France. She has been teaching assistant at the University of Prishtina in the field of Economics for four years. Her main research interests revolve around hospitality, digitalization, industry 4.0, climate change and sustainability issues in tourism management. Her works related to tourism, digitalization and climate change are published in different journals

Alketa Peci

Anita Kalanderi

Anita Kalanderi is the General Secretary at the Ministry of Justice. For over a decade, she has worked at the Free Legal Aid Agency, where she has held various positions up to the level of Executive Director. As a law graduate from the University of Prishtina, with postgraduate studies in the Legal-Constitutional Administrative Program, she has extensive legal experience in access to justice, the rule of law in Kosova, and legal counseling, including knowledge in human rights. She has collaborated with many international organizations related to access to justice and the rule of law, including UNDP, GIZ, and USAID.

Arben Hajrullahu

Albana Rexha

Albana Rexha serves as Senior Policy Analyst at Democracy Plus. Albana has provided consultancy for organizations including UN Women, DEMOS/Helvetas, Council of Europe, KEC, WYG Consulting, and Millennium Partners. She hold a PhD in Public Governance and Administration from the University of Southeast Europe in Northern Macedonia and has participated in doctoral programs at Central European University (CEU) in Hungary and the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy in Germany and hold an MA degree in Public Policy from CEU

Arben Hajrullahu

Alexandra Drosou

Alexandra Drosou holds a Master of Science Degree in Public Policy and Economics from West Attica University. With over 30 years of experience, she has held prominent positions in the public administration and banking sectors in Greece. Notably, she serves as the General Director of Administrative and Financial Services for the Hellenic Presidency of the Government, Secretariat General of the Prime Minister. Her extensive career includes key roles in the Ministry of Finance, where she contributed to public financial management, budget planning, and the establishment of the Greek Treasury and Public Debt Management Agency.

Arta Statovci

Arta Statovci

Arta Statovci is an AI, Innovation & Strategy expert with over a decade of experience working with C-suite executives in Fortune 500 companies, governments, and AI scale-ups. Globally, she serves as the AI board lead at LEAD Network, a foundation of over 200+ corporations driving an inclusive AI agenda, trusted by industry giants like IBM, Cargill, Unilever and more. Arta brings her expertise to Kosovo by leading the region’s first AI Bootcamp, supported by the Kosovo and German governments, and partnering with global AI companies to train youth in building 6-7-figure AI businesses. Her academic credentials include 4 degrees, including an executive AI from MIT.

Abe Fetahi

Abe Fetahi

Abe Fetahi, Co-Founder of Jet Platforms and Get Back AI & Head of Operations @ Applause.

Albulena Brestovci

Albulena Brestovci

Albulena Brestovci has a PhD in Public Governance and Administration from South East European University, she has been a teaching assistant for courses such as Administrative Law I and II, Administrative Procedure, and Management of Public Administration in AAB College.

Atdhe Hetemi

Atdhe Hetemi

Atdhe Hetemi serves as the Executive Director of the Institute of Crimes Committed During the War, established recently by the Government of the Republic of Kosova for the purposes of research and documentation of war crimes. He has over fifteen years of combined professional experience in international organizations (UNDP, UN-Habitat, IOM, FAO, Council of Europe, etc.), academic institutions (Universities, Institutes, etc.), and the private sector (TAG Digitals). He authored more than thirty (30) UN flagship reports (Public Pulse Analysis, Early Warning Reports, HDR, etc.), a book (published by Palgrave), and academic papers (published by Routledge, Cambridge University Press, etc.

Art Alishani

Art Alishani

Art Alishani is a PhD researcher at the University of Tartu in Estonia and a Policy Associate for digital transformation at 89 Global in Belgium. With nearly ten years of experience in the e-government field, Art has contributed to various policy initiatives and digital transformation projects. His research focuses on the implementation of Artificial Intelligence in public service delivery. Previously, Art also worked for international organisations like the UNHCR, IOM, and DG CNECT (European Commission), as well as research institutes and NGOs.

Adel Ben Youssef

Adel Ben Youssef

Adel Ben Youssef is a Professor of Economics, University Côte d'Azur. He has coordinated several Projects for the European Commission, African Development Bank, FEMISE, GIZ, AFD, and United Nation Development Program. He worked for the African Development Bank as Consultant for the Human Capital Development Strategy (2013-2017) and the organization of the Second African Science, Technology and Innovation Forum in Rabat (October 2014), The North African Entrepreneurship Platform (2019), The Digitalization of Moroccan Agriculture. He was also involved at National and European level as an Expert in Higher Education Programmes. During the COP 23, 24 & 25 (2017 – 2018 - 2019) he was a negotiator on behalf of Tunisia in matter of Climate Finance.

Bashkim Rrahmani

Bashkim Rrahmani

Bashkim Rrahmani is a Doctor of Juridical Science, Public Law Profile, Thesis: ”Kosovo International Status 1974-2011, Faculty of Law, European University of Tirana. He is an Ass. Prof. Dr. Lecturer in Constitutional Law, Introduction to Public Administration, Human Rights, Comparative Public Administration in AAB College.

Blerta Avdili

Blerta Avdili

Blerta Avdili is currently a Political Advisor to the Prime Minister of Kosova, focusing on the administration of the Prime Minister’s office and restructured ministries, specifically in human resources. With over a decade of experience across three continents in the non-profit sector, advocacy, and research, Blerta has developed a strong foundation in organizational psychology, applied anthropology, and capacity building. Blerta holds a Bachelor of Arts in Human Rights and Structural Violence, with a concentration in Cultural Anthropology, from the Metropolitan State University of Denver. She has experience as a researcher and writer, contributing to discussions on gender, ecofeminism, and sustainability through grant writing, published articles and papers, and various panel discussions

Michiel S. de Vries

Blerta Guzina

Blerta Guzina is an expert in Regulatory Delivery and Behavioural Insights applied to law enforcement for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Over the past decade, she has been involved in numerous projects across various EU and non-EU countries in the areas of regulatory reforms and inspections reforms. Her primary areas of focus include the implementation of risk-based approaches, the use of data, machine learning models and artificial intelligence applied to inspections, as well as the design and introduction of behavioural tools for voluntary compliance.

Burim Bivolaku

Burim Bivolaku

Burim Bivolaku has been with ICE since 2016, initially as Head of Information Security for the EMEA region, and then from April 2022 as Business Information Security Officer, Trading & Clearing with global remit in managing the Cybersecurity programme across all ICE derivatives regulated markets, including exchanges, CCPs, trade repositories and benchmarks. Prior to joining ICE, Burim served in various InfoSec leadership / CISO roles (Noble Group, BGC Partners, Bloomberg) and has a strong background in network security. Burim holds a BSc in Electrical Engineering from University of Prishtina and an MSc in Information Systems Engineering from Southbank University in London.

Blerton Vehapi

Blerton Vehapi

Blerton Vehapi holds a Bachelor's Degree in Individualized Program with a concentration in Management and Public Policy from RIT Kosovo. He is the President of the youth wing of Lëvizja VETËVENDOSJE! in Lipjan and a member of the board of the national presidency of Rinia për VETËVENDOSJE!, and he is also an ambassador of European Democracy Youth Network - EDYN Kosovo. Currently, he serves as the assistant to the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs."

But Dedaj

But Dedaj

But Dedaj is an experienced academic leader with over 31 years in higher education, including roles as Senior Advisor to the President of the Assembly of Kosovo and Dean of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Prishtina. He has taught internationally, managed key projects in higher education, and co-founded the Kosova Accreditation Agency, significantly contributing to academic program development and accreditation.

Caspar van den Berg

Catherine Vogel

Catherine Vogel has 20 years of experience in development cooperation with many years of responsibility for projects in various African countries. After various management positions, she has been leading the GIZ Data Lab, a Think and Do Tank to explore the use of artificial intelligence and non-traditional data sources for sustainable development. She is currently advising the GIZ Management Board in setting up and implementing a strategic approach to use AI for its processes and services.

Camille Ricaud

Camille Ricaud

Camille Ricaud is an Associate Professor at Université de Pau & des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA) in France. He specializes in Human Resources Management and Organizational Performance, with a focus on work design, innovation, reliability, occupational health, and motivation. He has previously taught at Renmin University in China and Montpellier in France.

Céline Husson-Rochcongar

Céline Husson-Rochcongar

Céline Husson-Rochcongar is a graduate of the Institute of Advanced European Studies and a PhD in public law from the Universities of Geneva and Strasbourg, she is also Director of Research at the National Institute of Public Service (INSP), which succeeded the ENA in 2022. Holder of an accreditation to direct research, she directed the Norms and Reflexivities axis of the University Center for Research on Public Action and Politics-Epistemology and Social Sciences (UMR CNRS 7319).

Donik Sallova

Donik Sallova

Donik Sallova is a PhD in Political Science from South East European University, North Macedonia. He is a Lecturer at AAB College on the subjects of Scientific research methods and techniques, Academic writing, public–public-private partnership, Comparative Public Administration, and Scientific Research Methods.

Qëndrim Bytyqi

Qëndrim Bytyqi

Qëndrim Bytyqi holds a master's degree in European and International Law from Ghent University in Belgium. With a background in European integration and policy coordination, he previously served in the European Integration and Policy Coordination Department at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Currently, Qëndrim is the acting head of the Department for Management of Public Officials at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where he leads efforts to enhance the management and development of public officials.

Diellon Bytyqi

Diellon Bytyqi

Diellon Bytyqi is an AI entrepreneur with dual expertise: he is currently developing an AI competitor analysis platform as part of his AI traineeship with Simplified and works as an AI Project Manager at BlackCube, focusing on AI solutions to improve workflow efficiency. Recognized as one of the top 3 trainees in Kosovo's first national AI bootcamp, he has since advanced to a role as an AI facilitator specializing in AI monetization.

Dragomir Yordanov

Dragomir Yordanov

Dragomir Yordanov studied Master of Laws in Sofia University. He has served as executive Director of the Training Center for Magistrates, Deputy Director of the National Institute of Justice, Criminal Judge in Kosova within the framework of the European Union Rule of Law Mission EULEX, Director of the National Institute of Justice, ex-Minister of Justice Director General of the European School of Enforcement. Part-time lecturer at the New Bulgarian University, Department of Political Science, English and French programs. Part-time lecturer at the Specialized Institute of Francophonie for Administration and Management ESFAM.

Dardan Prebeza

Dardan Prebeza

Dardan Prebreza is an experienced security consultant and the co-founder of Pretera, where he serves as Head of Security Services. Having several years of previous experience at Ernst & Young (EY) and Bishop Fox, he has acquired leading expertise in offensive security services, more specifically in penetration testing, red teaming and social engineering. Dardan was also a consultant at EY Belgium, part of the EY Advanced Security Center. While at EY, Dardan’s responsibilities included performing penetration testing for the financial sector.

Dhani Spiller

Dhani Spiller

Dhani Spiller is the Head of Digital Capacity Building at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). With an impressive background working with the World Food Programme's Innovation Accelerator, the EU and the private sector, Dhani has collaborated with governments, entrepreneurs, and startups globally, supporting them in designing and implementing digital products. He has also made significant contributions to AI in the public sector, supporting the AI working group at UNDP and delivering training on AI for government and regulation.

Dukagjin Bakija

Dukagjin Bakija

Dukagjin Bakija is a dedicated planning professional with expertise in city planning, transport, and energy. He has a strong background in promoting sustainable development, advising local and central governments, and implementing measures to address social and environmental challenges. With advanced degrees from University College London and a research program at MIT, he has contributed significantly to projects in Kosovo and beyond, particularly in climate change, urban regeneration, and public space management. Bakija is committed to shaping built environments that enhance community well-being and quality of life.

Alketa Peci

Edi Gusia

Edi Gusia is the Deputy Executive Director of the Agency for Gender Equality in the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosova. She has extensive experience drafting key public policy documents to implement the Law on Gender Equality, including the Kosovo Program for Gender Equality and the National Strategy for Combating Domestic Violence. Under her leadership, the agency introduced gender impact assessment and gender-responsive budgeting. She holds a Master's degree in General and Comparative Literature, with a focus on women's writing.

Alketa Peci

Eralda Çani Methasani

Eralda Çani Methasani is a full-time Professor of public law at the Law School of Tirana University and Professor of Human Rights at the Institute on European Studies, Tirana University. She has served as the Deputy Minister of European Integration for the Republic of Albania and as an Advisor to the Prime Minister on Public Law, focusing on legislative aspects vis-a-vis the EU acquis. Earlier in her career, she worked as an Associate Lawyer at the General Administration of Economic Support and Social Affairs within the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, addressing legal issues related to administrative, social, equality, and social protection matters.

Edoardo Ongaro

Edoardo Ongaro

Edoardo Ongaro holds a PhD from King's College London, an MPhil from The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), and an MSc/BSc from Politecnico di Milano. He is the Immediate Past President of EGPA (European Group for Public Administration), having served as EGPA President, he is a Member of the Council of Administration of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS) and Vice President (International) of the UK Association for Public Administration (UKAPA). He is editor of Public Policy and Administration, a journal of the UK Association for Public Administration (UKAPA).

Endrit Morina

Endrit Morina

Endrit Morina is an IBM-certified AI Developer with expertise in creating inclusive and ethical AI solutions that address the global digital divide. Currently an AI Trainee at Simplified, he is developing AI SkillBridge, a platform designed to empower non-tech professionals with essential AI skills. Ranked among Kosovo's top 3 in the national AI Bootcamp, he progressed from learner to facilitator, guiding peers through complex concepts.

3.	Ermira Lubani

Ermira Lubani

Endrit Morina is an IBM-certified AI Developer with expertise in creating inclusive and ethical AI solutions that address the global digital divide. Currently an AI Trainee at Simplified, he is developing AI SkillBridge, a platform designed to empower non-tech professionals with essential AI skills. Ranked among Kosovo's top 3 in the national AI Bootcamp, he progressed from learner to facilitator, guiding peers through complex concepts.

Edona Peci

Edona Peci

Edona Peci is an advisor to the "Support to EU-Integration Reform Processes in Kosovo" Project at GIZ Kosovo. She is a professional in public policy and non-profit management with extensive experience in the media industry. Her skills include public policy, capacity development, public relations, media relations, and investigative journalism. Ms. Peci holds a Master's Degree in Public Administration and Non-Profit Management from the University of Arkansas, showcasing her strong foundation in community and social services.

Ekrem Hajdari

Ekrem Hajdari

Ekrem Hajdari is an experienced Managing Director/CEO with a demonstrated history of working in the government sector as well as in management consultancy services industry. Skilled in Negotiation, Business Planning, Analytical Skills, Operations Management, and Government. Strong business development professional with a Master of Science (M.Sc.) focused in Service Management from RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology).

Egle Butkeviciene

Egle Butkeviciene

Egle Butkeviciene holds a PhD and serves as a full Professor of Sociology and head of the Committee for Political Science, Sociology, and Public Governance Study Programs at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities at Kaunas University of Technology. She holds a visiting professor appointment at the University of Central Florida (UCF). She is a founding member of the Citizen Science Association in Lithuania and, currently, she is a member of the ECSA Board of Directors. She was appointed as an expert by the Lithuanian national government for the EC H2020 Programme Also, she served as an external expert at the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education Lithuania. Currently, she serves as an expert evaluator for various organizations, including the Research Council of Lithuania, and the European Commission.

Egle Vaidelyte

Egle Vaidelyte

Egle Vaidelyte holds a PhD in Sociology and is a full professor in Sociology and Public Administration and the Vice-Dean for Education at Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania. She has a lot of experience in national and international projects related to civic participation, citizen science, and higher education, including the most recent H2020 projects: “Empowering Youth and Co-creating Social Innovations and Policy-Making Through Youth Citizen Social Science (YouCount), Future-oriented Science Education to enhance Responsibility and Engagement in the Society of Acceleration and Uncertainty. Currently, she is a chief researcher in the H2020 project “Catalysation of institutional transformations of higher education institutions through the adoption of acceleration services” (CATALISI).

Emmanuel Abord de Chatillon

Emmanuel Abord de Chatillon

Emmanuel Abord de Chatillon is a Professor at Université Grenoble-Alpes, where he heads the Management and Occupational Health Chair at the Institut d'Administration des Entreprises. He also leads the Strategic Human Resources Management master’s program at IAE Grenoble. His research specializes in management practices, preventive measures, and the relationship between management and occupational health.

Elona Gjata

Elona Gjata

Elona Gjata holds a doctorate in Linguistics from the University of Tirana, obtained in December 2021. She graduated in Linguistics from the University of Tirana and has worked as an assistant in the Albanian Language Departments at Elbasan and Tirana, covering subjects such as Standard Albanian Phonetics and Phonotactics. Prof. Gjata is currently the head of the Albanian Institute of Cultural Studies in Pristina.

Alketa Peci

Fadile Dyla

Fadile Dyla has been serving as the Secretary General of the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology since 2023. Prior to this role, she was the Director of the Department of Coordination Policy and European Integration at the same ministry. Additionally, Ms. Dyla has been the gender focal point of the ministry over the years.

Alketa Peci

Fabrice Larat

Fabrice Larat is the Director of the Center for Expertise and Administrative Research at the National School of Administration (ENA), he is also Deputy Director of Training, responsible for degree programs and research, and Editor-in-Chief of the Revue française d’administration publique (French Journal of Public Administration). A Doctor of the Institute of Political Studies (IEP) in Paris, his research initially focused on issues related to European integration before turning to the ethical and axiological dimension of transnational public administration and administrative cooperation.

Fatmir Belallari

Fatmir Belallari

Fatmir Belallari serves as an External Advisor for Digitalization in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, providing strategic advice on digitalization matters and offering technical expertise to support the Agency for Information Society (AIS) in fulfilling its mandate. Fatmir has over 20 years of professional experience in digital transformation, data technologies, and IT service management. He has contributed to and led various ICT and data initiatives for the United Nations Development Programme and other International organizations.

Gerald Kagambirwe Karyeija

Gerald Kagambirwe Karyeija

Gerald Kagambirwe Karyeija is an Associate Professor of Public Administration and Dean of the School of Management Sciences at Uganda Management Institute. He also serves as an Extra-Ordinary Professor of Public Administration at North-West University and a Senior Scholar at the University of Lusaka. Karyeija holds a PhD and MPhil in Public Administration from the University of Bergen and a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration from Makerere University.

Güner Ureya

Güner Ureya

Güner Ureya is a Kosovar diplomat, currently serving as Director of the Department for Public Diplomacy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora of Kosovo. He previously held the role of Kosovo's first Ambassador to Bangladesh and is part of Kosova’s pioneering group of diplomats after its independence. He holds a degree in Journalism from the University of Ankara and a Master’s in International Relations from Gazi University, both in Turkey. With a diverse career in journalism, advisory positions, and leadership within media and government institutions, Ureya brings extensive expertise in foreign policy and inter-ethnic relations.

Jura Ivonaityte

Jura Ivonaityte

Jūra Ivonaitytė holds a master's degree in law, she is a Chief Adviser for civil service policy implementation at the Office of the Government of the Republic of LithuaniaThe former head of EUROSAI TFMA (The Task Force on Municipality Audit) Secretariat. Implementation of the Prime Minister's strategic project portfolio through designing civil service reform, and shaping the future of work in the public administration sector served to form strong skills and rich practice in civil service policy development and legislation drafting. Former Civil Service Transformation Project Manager.



Jean-Michel EYMERI-DOUZANS is Exceptional Class Professor of Political Science and serves for the third time as Vice-Rector for international relations of Sciences Po Toulouse, the school of public affairs of the University of Toulouse, the second university city in France after Paris. He is also the past-director and a researcher at the Laboratory of the social sciences of the polity (LaSSP), and the founding-director of the Master Programme ‘Consultancy and Expertise in Public Policies’ (CEAP). A graduate from Sciences Po Paris (1990), he took his PhD from the Sorbonne (1999), started his career as senior lecturer at the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), Maastricht (1999-2001), then served as associate professor at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University (2001-2003), and was awarded full professorship in 2003

James L. Nkata

James L. Nkata

James L. Nkata holds a PhD in Higher Education Management, Administration and Planning. He is currently the Director General of the Uganda Management Institute. Previously, he was a Senior Lecturer at Makerere University and Director of the East African Institute of Higher Education Studies and Research. He is the Chancellor of the YMCA Comprehensive Institute, Chairperson of the YMCA National Executive Committee, and served as Vice President for Africa of the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA) from 2008 to 2022.

Jean-Pierre Neveu

Jean-Pierre Neveu

Jean-Pierre Neveu Lectures at Université de Pau & des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA) in France and serves as the Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs at the Institut d’Administration des Entreprises (UPPA). His specialization includes Human Resource Management and Organizational Development, with a focus on occupational health, motivation, and cultural issues. He is also the coordinator of an international network for Managing Extreme Work Environments.

Rose Kwatampora

Rose Kwatampora

Rose Kwatampora holds a PhD in Public Management and Governance from North West University, South Africa. She is the Head of the Projects & Consultancy Department at Uganda Management Institute, managing UMI projects, consultancies, partnerships, infrastructural development, and executive training courses. She serves on UMI’s Governing Council, representing the non-teaching staff. Known for her excellent interpersonal and administrative skills, she is result-oriented with a passion for innovations and quality assurance.

Pajazit Hajzeri

Pajazit Hajzeri

Pajazit Hajzeri holds a Doctorate in Archaeology/Cultural Heritage from the University of Tirana. He is a full-time professor at UBT University College for Business and Technology, Department of Architecture and Spatial Planning in Pristina. Dr. Hajzeri has authored several scientific articles and two books: Compendium of Studies in History I and Compendium of Studies in Cultural Heritage II. He serves as a reviewer for many scientific papers and books. Additionally, he has worked as Director of the Municipal Directorate of Education.

Hysni Ndreu

Hysni Ndreu

Hysni Ndreu holds a Second Level Master's in Literary Studies from the University of Tirana. He is currently the editor-in-chief of the magazine “Pasqyra e t’rrëfymit”, published by the Albanian Center for Literary Studies "Pjeter Budi". Professor Ndreu has worked as a language editor at the DITURIA publishing house and has taught Albanian literature at "Aleksandër Moisiu" University of Durrës.

Humberto Insolera

Humberto Insolera

Humberto Insolera is a Deaf activist and educator with a strong background in international politics and human rights.He currently serves as a member of the European Disability Forum's Human Rights and Non-Discrimination Committee. His previous roles include leadership positions at the European Union of the Deaf (EUD) and the European Disability Forum (EDF), where he advocated for the rights and inclusion of deaf people at both national and international levels. His work focuses on accessibility, assistive technology, youth policies, education, culture, and other areas related to the well-being of deaf individuals.

Ioannis Gitas

Ioannis Gitas

Ioannis Gitas is the Director of the Laboratory of Forest Management and Remote Sensing at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. With a strong background in GIS and remote sensing, Gitas has conducted extensive research on environmental monitoring, particularly focusing on forest fire management and land cover/land use mapping. He has authored numerous publications and has been involved in various national and international projects. Gitas is also actively engaged in the academic community, serving as an editor for several scientific journals and organizing international workshops and conferences.

Ilias Nikezis

Ilias Nikezis

Ilias Nikezis is a Senior Researcher at the International & Peace Journalism Lab, based at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), where he focuses on media, war, and conflict studies. With over four years of experience in his current role, Ilias has contributed significantly to research in peace journalism, while also holding various public affairs positions at NRDC-GR for more than five years. He holds a PhD in Media, War, and Conflict and an MA in Communication and Journalism from AUTH. His work extends to safety training for journalists, emphasizing both physical and intellectual preparation.

Kolë Gjeloshaj

Kolë Gjeloshaj

Kolë Gjeloshaj is a Scientific Collaborator at the Centre d’Etude de la vie Politique (CEVIPOL) at Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium. He coordinates the logistics team for the Belgian Presidency at the EU General Secretariat. He is a graduate of ULB in political science and the University of Pisa in anti-mafia and corruption studies.

Kushtrim Canolli

Kushtrim Canolli

Kushtrim Canolli is a public policy expert with experience in smart governance, strategic planning, and policy development. He currently serves as a Senior Policy Planning Officer in the Office of the Prime Minister of Kosovo.Canolli holds bachelor's and postgraduate degrees in international law and international relations.

Karolis Granickas

Karolis Granickas

Karolis Granickas is the Head of Europe and Central Asia at the Open Contracting Partnership (OCP). He works to improve public spending in the region by promoting open contracting principles. With a focus on impact, he strengthens institutions and their public spending practices. Karolis is a member of the European Commission's Multi-Stakeholder Expert Group on eProcurement and co-leads the Open Spending EU Coalition.

Lamia Moubayed Bissat

Lamia Moubayed Bissat

Lamia Moubayed Bissat serves as the President and Director of the "Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan" at the Lebanese Ministry of Finance. She has made significant contributions to human capital formation and institutional development.She is a strong advocate for South-South cooperation and has been recognized for her expertise by the international community.

Lule Isufi

Lule Isufi

Lule Isufi is the Acting General Director of the Kosovo Institute of Public Administration (KIPA). With over 25 years of extensive experience in public administration, she has developed a robust professional background in training programs, conference organization, and activity management. She has also held leadership roles in multiple sectors, including the Agency for Environmental Protection, the Kosovo Competition Authority, and the Ministry of Finance, Labor, and Transfers, where she served as Director and Head of the Division for State Aid Control.

Lulëzon Jagxhiu

Lulëzon Jagxhiu

Lulëzon Jagxhiu is currently an Advisor to the Prime Minister on Information Technology and CTO at Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosova. Lulezon Jagxhiu brings experience from previous roles at Cacttus Business Solutions and Cacttus. Lulëzon Jagxhiu holds a 2006 - 2008 MBA in Corporate Finance and Strategic Leadership Penn State University. With a robust skill set that includes Microsoft Technologies, Databases, Marketing, Telecommunications, SharePoint and more.

Martin Cunningham

Martin Cunningham

Martin Cunningham is a career coach with a twist. He's the brains behind Competency-Based Coaching Ltd, and currently serves as lecturer at UNI Universum, International college Pristina, Kosova, where he's merged his leadership experience with innovative coaching techniques to help you tackle today's job market.

Marta K. Gazideda

Marta K. Gazideda

Marta K. Gazideda is a development professional with over 28 years of experience, of which 20 in the development sector. Passionate about public administration, governance, social cohesion, and cultural heritage – among others – she leads the Governance and Peacebuilding Portfolio in UNDP Kosovo and is also the Deputy Programme Coordinator for the same. During her career with UNDP Kosovo Marta has witnessed the establishment and development of the civil service in Kosovo, having supported the efforts on institutional and individual capacity development, the “Standard Before Status” process, and of European Integration.

Mjellma Carabregu

Mjellma Carabregu

Mjellma Carabregu is an Assistant Professor at the University of Prishtina's Faculty of Economics and a Consultant for GIZ Kosovo, she specializes in digital competencies. With a strong background in higher education and development, Mjellma also coordinates the KUSA Education Team. Her work is dedicated to enhancing digital skills among educators and fostering educational excellence.

Mrika Limani Myrtaj

Mrika Limani Myrtaj

Mrika Limani Myrtaj is a Research Assistant Professor at the Institute of History ‘Ali Hadri’ – Prishtinë. She completed her bachelor’s degree at the University of Prishtina and obtained her master’s degree at the University of Uppsala. She defended her doctoral dissertation at the University of Prishtina, Department of History in 2022. Her research interests include mass violence, radical social movements, and emancipatory processes during the 20th century.

Martin Cunningham

Monika Kocaqi

Monika Kocaqi is a social worker with a Master of Science Degree in Social Work from the Faculty of Social Sciences in Tirana, Albania. With 25 years of experience in women's human rights, she has specialized in gender mainstreaming, gender-responsive budgeting, and services in local governance in Albania, Kosova, and Ukraine. As a gender trainer for 24 years, she has also been a national consultant for policy development and evaluation in Albania and Kosova, and an expert for GREVIO's thematic evaluation report in Albania. Her academic roles include 20 years as a part-time professor at the University of Tirana and 12 years as a lecturer at the School of Magistrates.

Martin Cunningham

Margus Sarapuu

Margus Sarapuu has worked in various management positions in Estonian public sector, including as the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Justice and the Director of Strategy at the Government Office. Together with a strong team, he has been responsible for several technological success stories of the Estonian government sector and building change-oriented and capable organisations has been an important part of achieving these results.

Merilin Truuväärt

Merilin Truuväärt

Merilin Truuväärt currently works at the Ministry of Finance as the head of the Department of Public Administration and leads initiatives for more flexible and efficient governance. Her goal is to make Estonia's public services even more user-friendly and human-centered. She achieves this by working closely with various ministries and agencies, seeking new approaches, testing new ideas, and constantly learning to develop better solutions. Merilin has been a key initiator of the Estonian public sector innovation team and was a member of the innovation team for five years.

Marija Risteka

Marija Risteka

Marija Risteka is an expert in gender mainstreaming and public administration reform. She has worked with various international organizations and has expertise in gender-based violence, social contracting, and social entrepreneurship.Risteka is the co-chair of a working group on social policy in Macedonia and the Regional Director of the Gender Budget Watchdog Network. She founded and directs CRPM, a leading think tank in Macedonia.

Mogolodi Rantsetse

Mogolodi Rantsetse

Mogolodi Rantsetse is a seasoned professional with 36 years of experience in the Government of Botswana. Holding degrees in education and with a strong background in teaching and government administration, he has been a key figure in the fight against corruption. As the Manager of the Commonwealth Africa Anti-Corruption Centre, Rantsetse has played a vital role in providing training and support to anti-corruption agencies across the Commonwealth, contributing significantly to the region's efforts to combat corruption.

Nicole Farnsworth

Nicole Farnsworth

Nicole Farnsworth is a Program Director & Lead Researcher, Kosovo Women’s Network, Kosovo. Ms. Farnsworth has twenty years of experience in civil society support and promoting gender equality. Her expertise includes social research, gender analysis, capacity development for CSOs and governments, program design, advocacy, public relations, gender mainstreaming, and gender-responsive budgeting. She has worked in numerous countries, including Azerbaijan, Georgia, Albania, and the Maldives, with remote work related to Ukraine, Iraq, and Cambodia. She holds an MSc in Sociology Research from the London School of Economics and a BA in Sociology and Politics from New York University.

Noli Musa

Noli Musa

Noli Musa is a lawyer and human rights activist from Pristina. Noli recently was part of the University of Pristina's team in the Willem C. Vis Moot Court Competition, where they achieved a historic success for the University of Pristina. Noli strongly believes in the importance of advocating for marginalized communities and creating a more just and inclusive society. Noli has been involved in numerous community initiatives for social justice. He works on creating safe spaces, cultural spaces, and platforms for youth development, as evidenced by his work as the first executive director of the "Pikëpamja Institute" until March 2024.

Nerses Yeritsyan

Nerses Yeritsyan

Nerses Yeritsyan is the Director of the Information Systems Agency of Armenia (ISAA). He also serves as the Secretary of Armenia’s Information Systems Management Board (ISMB). In this role Mr. Yeritsyan holds a Ph.D. in Economics awarded by the Joint Council of the Yerevan State University, Yerevan Institute of National Economy and Institute of Economics of the Academy of Science. He is a graduate of Columbia Business School’s Columbia Senior Executive Program (CSEP).

Nikos Panagiotou

Nikos Panagiotou

Nikos Panagiotou is a leading expert in media literacy and journalism. He is an Associate Professor at Aristotle University and has conducted extensive research on these topics. Panagiotou is actively involved in promoting media literacy through various initiatives and projects.

Petrit Gashi

Petrit Gashi

Petrit Gashi is a seasoned economist with a PhD in international trade. He has been teaching international trade and economic transition at the University of Prishtina, and his research has been featured in esteemed journals like Small Business Economics and Applied Economics. As a Fulbright scholar and consultant for numerous international organizations, he has contributed significantly to Kosovo’s institutional development and trade policies. Prior to academia,he served as a researcher at Riinvest, a prominent think tank in Kosova.

Rea Krasniqi

Rea Krasniqi

Rea Krasniqi is a student of Computer Science and Engineering, currently serving as Assistant to the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs. She is a board member of the national presidency of Rinia për VETËVENDOSJE!, the largest youth wing political organization in Kosova, and an active member of the European Democracy Youth Network (EDYN). Rea has represented Kosova as a delegate at the European Youth Parliament and has completed two Erasmus+ exchanges in Italy and North Macedonia.

Rinor Hoxha

Rinor Hoxha

Rinor Hoxha is a policy and legal consultant with over ten years of experience working with various development projects in support of the Government of Kosovo. During his career, he mainly worked in the justice and public administration sectors and specifically in the area of policy development, alignment of national legislation with the EU acquis and public administration reform. He was part of the team of experts who supported the Office of the Prime Minister in the development of current guidelines for assessing the impact of new government policies as well as the key expert in the preparation and monitoring of the first comprehensive Rule of Law Strategy (2021-2026) in Kosovo.

Randhir Auluck

Randhir Auluck

Randhir Auluck is a public administration and leadership development expert. She currently serves as Head of School at Westminster Business School. Auluck has extensive experience in leadership development and has been involved in various public service initiatives. She has a strong academic background and has published extensively in her field.

Stéphane Coillard

Stéphane Coillard

Stéphane Coillard is a lecturer at Université de Pau & des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA) in France. He specializes in the organizational determinants of job accidents in the healthcare sector, particularly work-related injuries among nursing and assistance home professionals. He holds a Ph.D. in this field and has previously managed disability and elderly policies at the provincial government level in Pyrénées Atlantiques, France.

Thomas Hélie

Thomas Hélie

Thomas Hélie is a professor-researcher in the Research Department of the National Institute of Public Service (INSP) and a lecturer in political science (University of Reims/CRDT). His research mainly focuses on the sociology of decisions in cultural and budgetary policies. Deputy editor-in-chief of the Revue française d'administration publique (RFAP), T. Hélie is a member of the History Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Communication of France since January 1, 2024.

Uranik Begu

Uranik Begu

Uranik Begu is a leading figure in the startup ecosystem in Kosovo. He has served as the Executive Director of Innovation Centre Kosovo and is currently Director at Plug and Play Tech Center. Uranik has extensive experience in marketing,management, and nonprofit leadership. He has been involved in various startup initiatives and has shared his expertise as a Marketing Professor.

Vrullim Buja

Vrullim Buja

Vrullim Buja is a faculty member at AAB College in Prishtinë, where he serves as the Dean of the Public Administration Faculty and lectures in economics and public administration. He holds a Doctor of Political Sciences from South East European University in North Macedonia, and an MA in Marketing, Advertising & Public Relations from CITY College, University of Sheffield.

Vlora Hajnuni

Vlora Hajnuni

Vlora Hajnuni is currently a Political Advisor specializing in social and family services at the Ministry of Justice. After earning her bachelor's and master's degrees in natural sciences and the environment, she completed her doctoral studies in 2023, with a specialization in "Organization and Management in Production." She has six years of experience working in the Administration of Student Services and lecturing at Higher Education Institutions. Vlora was a member of the Parliament of the Republic of Kosovo during the VIIth legislature and served as the chair of the Group of Women Deputies in that legislature.

Vlera Kastrati

Vlera Kastrati

Vlera Kastrati is an expert with over 20 years of experience in, inter alia , curriculum development, gender mainstreaming, vocational education and inclusive education. She has worked on various projects with national institutions as well as international organizations such as USAID, UNICEF, GIZ and the European Union. Vlera has extensive experience in designing and implementing curricula, conducting research and evaluations, and providing training and technical assistance. She is passionate about improving education systems in Kosova and has a proven track record of achieving positive results.

Yll Buleshkaj

Yll Buleshkaj

Yll Buleshkaj, Director of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (APK) in Kosova. His academic background began with a focus on political science at the University of Pristina, followed by a master's degree in Democratization and Human Rights with a specialization in state-building processes in Southeast Europ. He has held positions within the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, local NGOs, and international organizations like IFES and UNDP. Prior to joining the APK, Buleshkaj served as the Executive Director for the Office of Registration of Political Parties.

Younes Abouyoub

Younes Abouyoub

Younes Abouyoub is the Director of the Governance, State-Building and Conflict -Prevention for the MENA Region, United Nations. Dr. Abouyoub is the former head of the political office of the UN Under-Secretary General for Conflict Prevention and Senior political advisor to the UN SGSpecial Envoy to Burundi. He directed the political office of the UN SG Special Envoy to Yemen. Dr. Abouyoub was also the senior political advisor of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General in Libya, and former member of the UN Security Council Panel of Experts on Sudan (Darfur conflict). He holds a Ph.D. in political sociology, M.A. and post-graduate university degrees in Geopolitics and Law.

Zhaneta Gjyshja

Zhaneta Gjyshja

Zhaneta Gjyshja is a doctoral candidate in the Anthropology Department and Museum of Anthropological Archaeology at the University of Michigan, specializing in the prehistory of the Balkans. Since 2022, she has directed the Lluga Archaeological Project in Kosova and has participated in fieldwork across Albania, Kosova, Greece, Italy, and the USA.